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Traffic Accident – Eye / Ear Sequelae

1.Eye sequelae

Eye sequelae often result from bruises to the face or eyeballs in traffic accidents or to the eyeballs or optic nerves due to bruises or bruises to the eyeballs or optic nerves due to brain contusion, facial bruises, or brain contusion due to head injuries.

Loss of vision (blurred vision)

If a traffic accident results in a visual acuity of 0.6 or less in one eye and there is no chance of recovery, it is highly likely to be considered a sequela.Grades from Grade 1 to Grade 13 will be rated according to the degree of severity.However, in this case, it is necessary to prove that the reduced vision is due to a traffic accident (considerable causality).Therefore, when applying for grading, it is necessary to submit the visual acuity test chart for medical examinations, etc., which were received before the accident.

Difficulty in focusing eyes (accommodative dysfunction)

Even if it becomes difficult to focus on the eyes due to a traffic accident, the grade may be recognized as a sequelae.However, focusing on the eyes becomes more difficult with age.Therefore, the grade will be assessed after examining the degree to which the person's ability to adjust the focus is inferior to that of the general adjustment for the age in question.The categories of sequelae that may be applicable are grades 11-1 to 12-1.

When the angle of the visual field becomes narrow (eye movement disorder, diplopia, etc.)

Traffic accidents that paralyze the muscles that move the eyes (external vision muscles) and impair eye movement can limit the angle of the eyes' visual fields.Also in this case, it may be recognized as a residual disorder from the 11th class 1 to the 12th class 1.Similar causes can lead to double vision (the appearance of a single object in duplicate).「If you receive a test called Hess Screen Test and are found to have diplopia, you may be diagnosed as having sequelae from Class 9 No. 3 to Class 13 No. 3.


For example, if you have a narrowed visual field, hemianopsia, or visual field abnormality (scotoma or visual field defect), you may be asked to undergo a visual field test and be identified as having sequelae from Grade 9, No. 3 to Grade 13, No. 3, depending on the severity.The eyelids may also have sequelae. Such as loss of the eyelids or movement disorders.

2.Sequelae of ear

Traffic accidents that result in hearing loss, constant tinnitus, or loss of the earshell may also be graded as a sequela.

If hearing loss occurs after a traffic accident, an otolaryngology examination is required to obtain objective evidence and submit an application for grading.Depending on the results of the examination, a sequela grade will be assigned.

Tinnitus may be certified as Grade 12 if the presence of tinnitus is confirmed medically and objectively.On the other hand, those who have no medical or objective findings but can reasonably explain the presence of tinnitus may be classified as Grade 14.

Next, if the cartilage part of the earlobe (ear shell) is lost more than half due to a traffic accident, it may be recognized as a sequela Even if less than half of the cartilage is missing, it may be applicable to Late Effects No. 12, No. 14, if the deficit is recognized as a "disfiguring appearance."

However, in actual cases, there are many complaints that tinnitus had been treated since before the accident and was aggravated by the accident. If it is clear from the medical records etc. that tinnitus had been treated before the accident, it is likely that tinnitus will not be recognized as a sequela.In this regard, the details of specific cases are important, so it is recommended that the patient be consulted with a lawyer once.